Please use the following form to submit your Online Request.  You MUST fill out the required forms for you to be able to submit your request.  All requests will be honored, however any request that is not appropriate for the particular event or any request that has explicit language content will not be considered.  We thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

    To SUBMIT an ONLINE REQUEST simply fill out the ARTIST, TITLE of the song, EVENT NAME & DATE and lastly any dedications you may have.  Dedications again will all be honored but they all may not be used at your event.  You can REPEAT this process over again to continue submitting your requests to us, Or If you would like to submit a list of songs you can E-Mail us at:

    We ask that you also please submit your email address as well with your request so we can tell you about event details prior to your event, Such as: items for sale at your event, event times, tentative play lists for your event (songs that were requested for your event)  and upcoming events with J.M.W. Entertainment Group. We thank you for adding your name to our Database.  No email addresses will be given out or sold to any other companies.  Thank you for your cooperation.

    ***WE Recommend that you check out our UPCOMING EVENTS PAGE to see where we will be in the next few weeks, and to see if your event will have the following products sold at your event: GLOW NECKLACES, BELLY FLASHERS, GLOW STICKS & PHOTO KEY CHAINS!






Your Email: *

*Required Fields*

Again If you would like to submit a list of songs via E-Mail you can do so by clicking on the logo below: